
I like books, hiking, kids, writing, bridges, traveling, stairs, creativity, surprises, learning, a cup of tea, a gentle breeze, fresh air, to be inspired, lists and much more that will be divulged through the posts of this blog. 

About the writer:
I have a number of motivations for developing this site. First, I enjoy writing and it is about time I put it out there. Second, I love to travel and visit museums, gardens, historic sites, and cultural institutions. Third, I am an educator at heart and love to build connections between cultural experiences and my own life (or facilitate those connections for others). After teaching in a classroom for two years, I spent the following five working in museums. I love to work with kids and enjoy facilitating their learning outside of the classroom to build real-life connections. As a result, these blog posts will also include ideas on how to engage your child and enhance their critical thinking, questioning strategies, creative expression and observation skills.

About the blog:

Each post will explore a theme, which will undoubtedly include an anecdote about places I have visited and things I have done. However, my intention is not to amuse you with my reflections, but rather to use my stories as a stepping stone to introduce interesting places to visit and the ways in which visitors might connect to that place or thing. The “I like…” model I am using is inspired by approximately 75 museums in the North East region of England that collaborated to develop the website www.ilikemuseums.com. This unique website assists potential museum visitors in identifying local museums that appeal to their interests through trails that explore varied themes from animals and Egypt to sparkly things and free stuff. After selecting a museum trail, visitors receive a printable list of museums with contact information, and an opportunity to rank the trail on a scale from 1 to 10. Visitors can also create their own trails (like ‘books’ or ‘little, friendly museums’), which are added to the site and can then be searched and scored by the public. What I love about this site is that it is all about us – the visitors!

I have never been to the North East region of England and do not have any immediate plans for a visit, but I was inspired by the simplicity of this concept. My vision for the blog is to create a similar version of this concept that is not limited by geography, just my imagination and research skills. I am initiating the themes with my own cultural experiences, but I want your stories and ideas to be reflected as well to create a more comprehensive site. What I hope to include are examples of places I have visited (or plan to visit) that embody a specific “I like…” theme and, when applicable, I will include sample itineraries for a particular city, including a disproportionate number for my geographic homebase of San Diego, which is why your input from other geographic locations will be so important!

Send me an email at citysightsforkids@gmail.com or visit  City Sights for Kids on Facebook!

2 responses to “About

  1. Love the concept. I too once worked in museums, and really like to work with themes as a way of linking different subject matter. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

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